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9/30 essay: Go to the$model$markers$bubble$encoding$size$data$concept=life_expectancy_years&space@=country&=time;;&scale$domain:null&type:null&zoomed:null;;&y$data$space@=country&=time;;&scale$domain:null&zoomed:null&type:null;;&x$scale$zoomed@:300&:180000;;;;;;;&chart-type=bubbles&url=v1 data site (founded by Hans Rosling). The x and y axes can be changed with the little arrows. The year can be changed with the slider at the bottom. You can even have the plot play through time. Each bubble represents a nation and can be selected and deselected in the right panel. There’s a two minute “How to” video at the top as well.

Pick at least one configuration (life expectancy vs income in the UK and Cuba over the pat 80 years, for example). Try any combination(s) you like (no wrong answers here). Write what data you are displaying. Write about what you see or what surprises you, if anything. As best you can, connect what you see to ideas in previous readings from Rosling, West, Sen, another course, or from your experience. You have until 10:15.

                              life expectancy vs income in China and Japan since 1900

Because the industrial revolution, west Europe and the United States had developed advanced technology and army forces. Driven by interests, these countries invaded east Asia where there were still feudal societies but not capitalistic countries. In 1853, American navy arrived Japan known as the Black ship tumoil. This forced Japan trade with western countries under unequal treaties. However, it also had benefits for Japan because it let Japan see the power of monopolism countries. The Japanese emperor then started reformation and finally pushed Japan’s development. This is why both income and life expectancy in Japan growed fast after 1900. However, under invasion of western countries, Chinese government hadn’t realized the importance to development technology and economy. Instead, the whole country suffered from wars and chaos. Therefore, the life expectancy only increased a little and the income stayed the same. During the two world wars, both of the two countries slowed down its development and the new difference appeared in 1945. After World War II, Japan recovered fast form the war and started developing its technology and economy, which hugely increased its income and life expectancy. On the other hand, China countinued its civil war until 1949 and focused on heavy industry, which didn’t exert many positive effects on people’s life expectancy and income. The Cultural Revolution after that also slowed down China’s development. Until the 1970s, China finally published new policy and the whole country’s development accelerated. Since that, China’s income and life expectany increased fast.